Beginners Luck Recently, a good friend of mine bravely and boldly quit her job and started her own recruiting company. She has two young kids and was traveling 90% of the time. She was working too hard for too little and not doing what she was passionate about. Though she needed the income she knew
Just Lucky
From Somewhere In The Middle
This blog is going to be a little off the intended normal topic for Managing It All, but as you read, maybe you will see in my world, it does align with balancing family. My very diverse family is the motivation for me writing this and hoping the racial tensions in our country get better. I
Managing Time Before It Manages You
Oh Time, our elusive friend or staunch enemy, that we all seem to chase every day, week, month, year. It is so hard to believe something can be so giving and yet so cruel at the same time. I figured out a long time ago that how I manage this benevolent beast is key to
Managing The Guilt
Meet My Guilt Friend Some days the guilt is just overwhelming. Some days I am too busy to think about the guilt. Some days I kick the crap out of guilt. I know you know what I am talking about. That little burden that sits in the back of your mind constantly pressing down telling you that you are