Stand Up Leaders

This is an open plea to all leaders around. For those of us trying to Manage It All during this unprecedented time, we ask the leaders of the world, to stand up and lead! This is not about politics, race, or religion – it is about health, fear, and providing for our families. We ask leaders to put everything else aside and work together to plan and lead to real solutions.

Overcoming The Impatient Perfectionist

I recently started a new chapter in my career. The third in three years. It is a great thing and I am enjoying it very much, but it has also brought out a side of me that I am trying hard to control. The impatient perfectionist. The internal struggle I have with myself to do […]

Fighting Fear

The New Chapter of Fear Today, I find myself in a position I have never been in in my entire working life, and the fear is hard to fight. I have been laid off and I do not yet have another position. Fear. I was officially told 10 days ago; the fear has grown with […]