Life is busy. Full of everyday tasks that need to get done. It can be chaotic, stressful, fun, and exciting all at the same time. I was asked recently by a young professional for a tip on how to stay organized while managing being a mother, wife, and full-time employee juggling multiple projects. Immediately, one thing came to mine – the power of the to-do list.
It is the main tool in my arsenal I have found through the years to help me not only stay on track, but also keep my sanity. A good old fashion To-Do list. I keep one for work and my personal life. If I am planning a big event, or a particularly large project I may keep a separate one for that so that I can keep focus on it and work it as needed. As the years have gone by and my memory begins to show my age, I have found these lists to be even more important. A to-do list may be the most important practice in my career that allowed me to be a successful people and project manager managing many things at one time.
Low Tech Works Best
Many people have these lists – of all the tasks or errands they need to complete within a day, a week, or some parameter of time. Some like to enter reminders on their phone, set tasks in their online calendars, or some may even be able to keep up with them in their head or at least try to. I take it to the very old fashion tradition of writing it down. I keep a journal of my to-do’s.
I know it is odd for someone in the tech industry to resort to paper and pen, but I have found this valuable for a few reasons.
- It is quick and easy to jot something on the list as soon as I think of it or hear it needs to be done, as well as update it and keep additional notes.
- It allows me to have an on-going view of all I have done and all I am needing to do which may come in handy when I have to remember when something may have happened.
- It lowers my stress. Once my brain see’s it on paper it allows me to move on to other things without worrying, I will forget or miss the task while juggling what I have to do at that moment.
- When I may be receiving hundreds of emails, calls, texts, and/or instant messages a day with wants and asks it gives me an outlet to close the communication, organize, and clear my inbox without the fear of missing something. Which overall helps me stay organized, less stressed, and on track.
- There are very few things in life that I find as satisfying as putting that check mark next to the item once I have completed it. Seeing a whole page completed just makes me happy. (Yes, even my husband makes fun of my enthusiasm for these little check marks!)
Don’t Under-Estimate the Power
I review my list every day and keep it handy for updating. It helps me start the morning to plan all I need to accomplish while more tasks may be thrown at me. I prioritize the list. Some items I will mark a need to get done for the day, and others can remain on the list until I get to them. I have developed my own little short hand that allows me to not only take the notes fast but keep the to-do’s organized as I list them. I then simply check it off once it is complete – usually with a smile.
So, when that young lady struggling to keep up with and remember all that needed to be done in her life daily asked for help, I gave her my not so secret, secret– the power of the to-do list. If you are looking for a way to organize and ensure it all gets done, I also encourage you to develop the method that works best for your world. Mine may be paper and pen, but in our technology filled lives there are many other ways to accomplish the same thing. No matter how you choose to put your list together, just remember to never under-estimate the power of the to-do list.
Happy organizing to all of you doing a fantastic job of managing it all.