Bring On 2018

Gone In A Flash

Another year has gone by and as any working parent knows, it went too quickly. 2017 brought so many changes into our lives that we barely had time to stop and understand the significance of such a year. It brought new jobs to my husband and I and our youngest starting her senior year of high school and turning into an official 18-year-old adult. Our middle finishing his bachelor’s degree at 22 years old, and our oldest turning 23 and making her way in this world.  We no longer have any “children” in our house-hold. We are moving on to adult parenting only.  Wow, that is scary!

I was busy in 2017 with the new position, an acquisition of my company, planning a major fundraising event, joining a new charity board, normal parenting duties and worries, spending time with new and old friends, enjoying time with my husband, and attending to my marriage. As I look back now I can only hope that I managed it all to the best of my ability.  I stepped away from some activities that I loved, but were not right for me. Through the year I also walked away from people who did not care for me the way I cared for them. I met some amazing people who I can forever see in my friendship ring, and I re-kindled friendships with a few I missed most.

The Future is Ours

In 2018, we will see our youngest graduate high-school – she actually finishes this month – and then move onto college. We will see our middle decide his career path, and our oldest continue to mature and find her passion in this world.  I will work to continue my professional growth and support my husband in whatever direction he wants to go.  My goal is to also continue the Managing It All blog, and with the help of guest bloggers, continue to share experience, lessons, and support with all of those like me just trying our best.

While 2018 brings a lot of exciting opportunities and milestones in our lives, the change can be a little scary. We will be a house of adults trying to manage through parenting roles. From experience I can already say this is pretty much an impossible task to do without some challenges. I will watch my children grow further away from us as they find the lives they are supposed to lead. By the end of summer 2018, it will be just my husband and I in our house. While that is so very exciting there is also a scary aspect.You see we started our family so young that it has never just been the two of us.  I look forward to finding the couple in us and not just the parents.

Time For Resolutions

There are so many possibilities to look forward to in 2018 but as with any future, so many unknowns. I will be sure to take the lessons I learned, the memories created, and the love I found in 2017 into 2018.  Most importantly, I resolve to make sure I stop and enjoy it all a little more and to be really in the moments that matter and worry less about those that don’t.

I wish everyone out there trying to Manage It All a very happy, safe, and successful New Year.  I hope you remember to enjoy the moments this year too!

Bring on 2018!  What is your resolution?