Be the change you want to see in the World.”
Mahatma Gandhi
I would like to address something that has been bothering me since the COVID19 pandemic crisis started. The lack of true leadership. From the conversations I have had with many friends, family, and co-workers I think it is impacting people everywhere. So, for those of us just trying to Manage It All, this is my plea to the leaders of this country and this World. Please start to really lead, we need you. We are all in this together.
To be a leader is a privilege, but it is also a responsibility. Whether it is a paid position, a voted election, a birth right, found fame, or a natural disposition that causes people to follow, being a true great leader comes with certain expectations. History has given us some of the best and some of the worst, but we have seen people follow in both situations. That is why it is so important that all the great leaders now stand up and let their voices be heard during a crisis such as the one we are facing today.
We are in an unprecedented time of a small world with open access social media, a 24 hour news cycle, and a very scary pandemic killing people by the hundreds of thousands without an end in sight; while the only solution shuts down our economy and soars us into what we fear is the next Great Depression. If there ever was a time that we needed great leaders around us to stand up, it is now!
The time is always right to do the right thing.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This is not a political game. This is not about red or blue, poor or rich, black or white, Christian or Muslim – this is about fear, this is about our lives, our health, about our ability to support our families and keep them safe. If anytime in our history, we needed great leaders to stand up, build us to stronger, keep us together in this fight, it is Now.
There should not be blame, finger pointing, and attacks – across the aisle, in the newsrooms, the board rooms, our churches, or even those who have the power on social media. Eliciting fear and anger in others only exaggerates the anxiety that everyone is feeling and still not solving the problem. Leadership 101 teaches, if you can’t solve the problem, at the very least do NOT make it worse. This is not what leaders do. We need all leaders to lead. Stand up, to have humility, take responsibility, be accountable, encourage hope, and comradery. To Lead.
The next generation of leaders are watching and learning. They see the arguments, the name calling, the fear, and the finger pointing. They see the top collapsing on itself with CEO’s leaving by a record number and Washington in its own Civil War. They learn from the tweets and posts by those with the most followers, and our celebrities, politicians, and even clergy attacking one another for something no one has control over. It is time leaders really stand up and lead.
I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”
Mother Teresa
I am sure this time in 2020 will be analyzed by generations to come, studied in the history books, and added to every disaster recovery plan written. There will be data to show how we could have done it better, judgment on where we went wrong, and probably some laughs on the many recorded meetings interrupted by kids doing embarrassing things on video. But the one thing I guarantee you we will be leaving for that future is a leadership style during a crisis.
I beg all those with any leadership authority or ability, please start using it for good. This is a plea for the top CEOs, the highest political offices, and the most famous celebrities; but also the natural born leaders without a title, anyone with the ability to have others follow them. Even if you just have a keyboard. Standup and lead now. Change the narrative, help, not harm.
This is what it is, and we are where we are, so let’s get through this. Leaders stand up to lead and calm the fears, work together, stop the insanity of finger pointing, and name calling. We need to plan, brainstorm, solution, bring anyone and everyone who could possibly solve this together. Stop worrying about credit, popularity, and revenue. Start focusing on leading, motivating, encouraging, and spreading hope. If you can’t solve the problem, at the very least don’t make it worse.
Stand Up and Lead!
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”
John Quincy Adams
Great job, now if only they would listen.