It Starts At Home!

It starts at home. The way our children think, learn, speak, and present themselves. It starts at home. A simple statement, yet I think sometimes it’s easy to forget what sponges our children are, and even before they completely comprehend it, they see the actions, hear the tones, and understand more words than we ever

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

April marked a huge milestone in my life and I wanted the first blog back from my break to be in honor of it. My husband and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. I know that this is not an unusual feat and there are couples all around us hitting much higher numbers, but with statistics

Overcoming The Impatient Perfectionist

I recently started a new chapter in my career. The third in three years. It is a great thing and I am enjoying it very much, but it has also brought out a side of me that I am trying hard to control. The impatient perfectionist. The internal struggle I have with myself to do

The Step-Mom Roller Coaster

Motherhood is truly the most beautiful unexplainable emotional roller coaster a human being could ever experience. Most mothers could give you a minute by minute account of the day they gave birth to the amazing beings they spent 9 months growing inside of them, bonding with, and growing to love every second of every day.

Fighting Fear

The New Chapter of Fear Today, I find myself in a position I have never been in in my entire working life, and the fear is hard to fight. I have been laid off and I do not yet have another position. Fear. I was officially told 10 days ago; the fear has grown with

The Witch Versus The Strong Leader

There is a dilemma I have struggled with through my career as a leader. Being “The Witch” (we will use this word instead of the “B” word to keep it friendly) versus the “Strong Leader”. It is one that I have not figured out how to overcome or conquer. The Witch. A title put upon women

Managing The Guilt

Meet My Guilt Friend Some days the guilt is just overwhelming. Some days I am too busy to think about the guilt. Some days I kick the crap out of guilt.  I know you know what I am talking about. That little burden that sits in the back of your mind constantly pressing down telling you that you are

I Blame Disney

I Blame Disney When we were young our favorite Disney movies taught us that the good guy wins, the bad guy loses, and the prince and princesses live happily ever after. Then we grew and had kids and the many Disney shows taught them, in addition to those things, that the kids get the laugh