Goodbye 2020 and Hello 2021. As we move on to the new year, I have spent time thinking about what “Managing it All” means to different people. 2020 taught many about their abilities to really manage it all…and I do mean ALL. If juggling work at home through countless zoom calls, while teaching the kids […]
Rowing Our Boats Together
It’s a whole new world. A world when Managing It All takes on a new meaning. The meaning could be different for different people, but there have been constant themes to every story – it has been a strange, stressful, and yet a somewhat amazing time. Managing a quarantined life with children, work, and all […]
The Gift
Through tragedy remember every day is a gift.
Best Laid Plans
I am a planner. I knew very early in my life what I wanted to be, and where I wanted to go with my life. This has served me well for most of my life, but being a planner with a type A personality comes with some drawbacks. For example, it took me a while […]
Not For The Faint Of Heart
Faint of Heart I have always known being a working mom wasn’t for the faint of heart as it is challenging work, but I am starting to see the pressures of today’s society are making it more and more stressful for moms everywhere. I had a friend recently come over with her 2-year old. He […]
From Somewhere In The Middle
This blog is going to be a little off the intended normal topic for Managing It All, but as you read, maybe you will see in my world, it does align with balancing family. My very diverse family is the motivation for me writing this and hoping the racial tensions in our country get better. I […]
It Starts At Home!
It starts at home. The way our children think, learn, speak, and present themselves. It starts at home. A simple statement, yet I think sometimes it’s easy to forget what sponges our children are, and even before they completely comprehend it, they see the actions, hear the tones, and understand more words than we ever […]
What’s Love Got To Do With It?
April marked a huge milestone in my life and I wanted the first blog back from my break to be in honor of it. My husband and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. I know that this is not an unusual feat and there are couples all around us hitting much higher numbers, but with statistics […]
Managing Time Before It Manages You
Oh Time, our elusive friend or staunch enemy, that we all seem to chase every day, week, month, year. It is so hard to believe something can be so giving and yet so cruel at the same time. I figured out a long time ago that how I manage this benevolent beast is key to […]
The Step-Mom Roller Coaster
Motherhood is truly the most beautiful unexplainable emotional roller coaster a human being could ever experience. Most mothers could give you a minute by minute account of the day they gave birth to the amazing beings they spent 9 months growing inside of them, bonding with, and growing to love every second of every day. […]