Like all women in the technical industry I work in a male dominate environment. After all women hold less than 25% of the tech jobs in America. (Even more disheartening women only hold 11% of the executive positions). This is why I was very upset to learn that women are leaving the industry at a
She’s Not Even Technical
The Power Of A To Do List
Life is busy. Full of everyday tasks that need to get done. It can be chaotic, stressful, fun, and exciting all at the same time. I was asked recently by a young professional for a tip on how to stay organized while managing being a mother, wife, and full-time employee juggling multiple projects. Immediately, one
Best Laid Plans
I am a planner. I knew very early in my life what I wanted to be, and where I wanted to go with my life. This has served me well for most of my life, but being a planner with a type A personality comes with some drawbacks. For example, it took me a while
Master of Change?
I have always prided myself on the ability to be agile. When asked multiple times how I juggle so much, I have jokingly replied, I am a “master of change“. I deal with change with the best of them and carry on. I am the one who encourages and pushes for changes a lot of
Finding Positivity
I haven’t written in a while. When I started this Blog I set a goal to be sure that the outcome was always positive in some manner. I believe we are exposed to enough negativity every day in this world, so my intention was to ensure to produce a sense of camaraderie, partnership, love, and
Not For The Faint Of Heart
Faint of Heart I have always known being a working mom wasn’t for the faint of heart as it is challenging work, but I am starting to see the pressures of today’s society are making it more and more stressful for moms everywhere. I had a friend recently come over with her 2-year old. He
Just Lucky
Beginners Luck Recently, a good friend of mine bravely and boldly quit her job and started her own recruiting company. She has two young kids and was traveling 90% of the time. She was working too hard for too little and not doing what she was passionate about. Though she needed the income she knew
Bring On 2018
Gone In A Flash Another year has gone by and as any working parent knows, it went too quickly. 2017 brought so many changes into our lives that we barely had time to stop and understand the significance of such a year. It brought new jobs to my husband and I and our youngest starting
Happy Holiday’s Readers
Happy Holiday’s Managing It All Readers! Wow, I cannot believe it is already December and the holiday’s again! I began this Managing It All blog journey a year ago. My intention was to have a post every week and I could manage that for a while, but I didn’t get the guest bloggers to join
From Somewhere In The Middle
This blog is going to be a little off the intended normal topic for Managing It All, but as you read, maybe you will see in my world, it does align with balancing family. My very diverse family is the motivation for me writing this and hoping the racial tensions in our country get better. I